
Tuesday 23 September 2014

Stranger with a wrong address

Breathless, I rushed to the door Caught in a knob of uncertainty Was it the wind? Howling into my senses Or was it a stranger
With a wrong address?
"Is this Willow Garden?" he asked me
I didn't speak to shadows
I wasn't going to start with this one
He turned to leave,
Concluding I was deaf and dumb
In his hand I saw a parcel
Was it for me?
From a distant relative perhaps?
I called him back
I could see a smile cross his face
Was it crooked or genuine
It was hard to tell
I opened the door expectantly
My hand long as Pinocchio's nose
Ready to receive the largess
Instead I was met 
With the razor edge of a blade
Glinting against the moon
My mind flashed
He was no stranger
He was a friend, of Darkness, of Night
A fiend who had come to devour
Under the pretext of delivering gifts
I smashed the door on his wrist
Thrusting it with all my strength
He gritted his teeth
Kicking the door in one swift move
I fell on the inside
His power overwhelming me
I was but a child, he with the strength of a bull
But size can be an impediment
When you have speed on your side
I struck at his heels
With one swift roundhouse kick
He fell, shaken from his base
On my feet now, I savagely visited his wrist
Again and again
Till it was a crushing mix of blood and bones
I screamed in joy, he in agony
My ch'i and sha perfected to harmony
It took me less than a second to know
That he was a stranger at the wrong address
Glee writ large
I wanted to end it then and there
But my training was to incapacitate
Not to mutilate, reminded mother
She and I picked up the lump of darkness
And sent it packing into the night
It didn't even belong there
But what use was strength
When it only created more monsters?
Never, I promised mother, will I answer the door
To the stranger, who comes bearing gifts
With that twisted smile...